Government Travel Management Services

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Government Travel is a highly successful service concept tailor-made for Ministries and Government entities. Special service teams are assigned to anticipate, understand and meet the travel requirements of various departments. It is a challenging task, considering the critical and high-profile travel schedules of Government missions and official trips. Enabled by well-established worldwide network and dedicated, experienced personnel, GTS accomplishes this task with flawless accuracy to the utmost satisfaction of the clients.

The Government Travel Division at GTS has been established with the aim of providing world class services to government agencies in the field of official and unofficial travel. The division has been set up with a team of experienced professionals who have expertise in handling all types of government travel arrangements, including VIP protocol matters. As part of our commitment to excellence in customer service, we are always looking for ways to improve our offerings and make sure that our clients are getting exactly what they need at all times.

What We Offer


Key Account Management

We will designate a Key Account Manager whose responsibility is to ensure compliance with service delivery as per travel policy and service level agreement, to bring savings through vendor negotiations proactively and to provide regular performance reviews.


Services Custom-Made

Custom-made service solutions to meet Government customers’ needs. Our agents are qualified to handle all aspects of domestic and international travel and complex itineraries.



We offer a dedicated contact centre located at head office manned by qualified & well-trained travel consultants to cater to any emergencies out of office hours. Our consultants are accessible through telephone, email & chat for immediate resolution of any issue.


VIP Service

VIP service team’s mission is to ensure that all requirements are recognised and acted upon at every stage of the booking process. Whether that’s a certain seat or a specific type of aircraft, we work to make your travellers’ needs a reality.

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